Do you use mints or chewing gum to cover up bad breath also known as Halitosis? If this is the case, you are not alone. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a major concern for many patients in the Houston area. While bad breath is common, it can be temporary and the result of a recent meal or cup of coffee. However, if it persists or does not seem to resolve, it could be a sign of periodontal disease (gum disease). We routinely treat patients with bad breath caused by periodontitis or other forms of gum disease at West Houston Periodontics. Please schedule a gum disease screening today if you have chronic oral malodor or a lingering bad taste in your mouth.
What causes bad breath?
Bad breath can be caused by a variety of factors, including certain foods and drinks, smoking, dry mouth (xerostomia), medications, and nighttime mouth breathing. While garlic, onions, strong spices, and coffee can all cause bad breath, bad breath caused by foods or beverages usually goes away within a few hours. Periodontal disease is the most common cause of chronic bad breath in patients. Chronic bad breath is frequently caused by oral bacteria that produce sulfur compounds in the oral environment. These bacteria live in the plaque that forms on the teeth and gums, so routine dental care and oral hygiene efforts are required to keep this buildup to a minimum.
Will gum disease treatment help to eliminate bad breath?
Gum disease treatment is critical for the health of your teeth, gums, jawbone, and overall systemic wellness, but it can also aid in the resolution of chronic bad breath. The accumulation of plaque, tartar, and bacteria above and beneath the gumline is a significant factor in the presence of gum disease. Periodontal disease treatments focus on removing plaque and tartar deposits, which harbor bacteria that cause bad breath. At West Houston Periodontics, our skilled periodontist provides a variety of gum disease treatment options to patients suffering from gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis.
How can I avoid having bad breath in the future?
Maintaining good dental hygiene can help prevent the recurrence of chronic bad breath over time. If halitosis persists after gum disease has been treated, it could be due to sinus problems or stomach issues such as acid reflux disease. Patients should consult their doctors if they believe these or other issues are affecting their overall health. Here are some suggestions to help prevent future bouts of bad breath:
- Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, including your tongue. Bacteria can become trapped between the papillae on the tongue and cause odor in the mouth.
- Floss your teeth at least once a day. In these interproximal areas, your toothbrush bristles cannot reach between the teeth or beneath the gumline. Flossing aids in the removal of plaque and bacteria, thereby reducing their accumulation.
- Maintain routine dental cleanings as directed by your dentist or West Houston Periodontics’ periodontal specialists.
Get help for gum disease and bad breath in Houston, TX
Bad breath can be embarrassing and even affect your self-esteem, not to mention your willingness to communicate freely with others. It can, however, be a sign of periodontal disease. To learn more about the connection between gum disease and bad breath, or to schedule a periodontal evaluation, contact West Houston Periodontics.